The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

About book

Author Rick Riordan
Publisher Hassan Agmir
Language English
Pages 385

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

"Three new heroes. One missing demigod. A curse that threatens to destroy them all . . . 'What do you want from me?' she screamed. 'What have you done with him?' 'Annabeth,' said the bald dude, Butch, 'we gotta leave. Let's get these three to camp and figure it out there. Those storm spirits might come back.' She fumed for a moment. 'Fine.' She fixed Jason with a resentful look.

'We'll settle this later.' She turned on her heel and marched towards the chariot. Piper shook her head. 'What's her problem? What's going on?' 'Seriously,' Leo agreed. 'We have to get you out of here,' Butch said. 'I'll explain on the way.' 'I'm not going anywhere with her' Jason gestured towards the blonde. 'She looks like she wants to kill me . . .'"--Publisher.

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