Tom Gates: Spectacular School Trip (Really.)

Tom Gates: Spectacular School Trip (Really.)

About book

Author Liz Pichon
Publisher Hassan Agmir
Language English

Tom Gates: Spectacular School Trip (Really.)

The seventeenth laugh-out-loud, fully illustrated Tom Gatesadventure! Tom's doing everything possible to stay out of trouble but somehow he's got THREE sad faces on the school achievement chart!

And getting another sad face means Mr Fullerman won't let him go onthe SCHOOL TRIP!

Moany Marcus Meldrew is making things worse and now Tom's annoyed his grumpy sister Delia.

Can his best friend Derek help?

Will Rooster the dog stop eating his homework?


  • Written in diary form
  • Full of Tom's doodles and pictures & his amazing sense ofhumour
  • TheBrilliant World of Tom Gates, was the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize!
  • Perfect gifts for boys & girls who love to laugh themselves silly
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